Yoga Teacher Training - check!
Hip! Hip! Hurray!
I got certified as a Yoga teacher!
Let’s pop the Champagne my friends!
Yes, so I completed my 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training after 30days! But somehow I feel this journey is not the end....
Oh nooo! It’s just the beginning for a new chapter!
Oh nooo! It’s just the beginning for a new chapter!
After 30 days of intense training, pushing my mind &
body’s limits every single day; I reached the end in one piece!
Well.... except for a sprained wrist 2days before the end! Yeah... but I
was still able to teach with limited mobility a class which was my final exam. Thanks to my communication skills! Who knew I was so comfortable telling people what to do?! Yikes! Ha! ha! Ok seriously, explaining every movement and how to get into
the postures was not as bad as I thought… is keeping the flow while not being
able to execute all the asanas- That was the real challenge! The perfectionist in me had to take the back seat here! It
was so hard! But looking back, overall even if I could’ve done it better, I still succeeded and I
accept that it wasn’t perfect! I am very proud of myself for making it ‘til the end and
surviving! It was indeed one of the biggest challenges I had to overcome and
through it all - I now come out stronger and more confident of my capabilities!
Sailing away mates!
I am so blessed to have shared this path of self-discovery
with so many amazing people with beautiful hearts! We were all in the same “big boat” and now that we reached
the destination together; we’re getting ready to raise our individual anchors
and start sailing towards our own horizon of possibilities.
My Vikasa family
will forever be a part of me. The month we spent together was so special that
it is tattooed in my heart... and this people, no laser surgery will be able to
remove it!
FYI: I had a dream…
I love to plan or organize trips-events, bringing people together… most of you know this by now! A couple of days before the end of this YTT, after one of Tingting’s meditations session, I saw myself getting all my Vikasa family members back together for our own Yoga reunion retreat! What an amazing idea isn’t?! Imagine, a year or two from now, we are all going to evolve towards greater things so why not share our new abilities with each other- like real family! Leave it up to me my friends… I will make it happen! This is not the end; I promise!
And then? You do like this… ya?! (inside joke)
So ok I got plans… I got certified… now what? Do I end this
blog? Do I continue sharing my thoughts, my discoveries, and the little moments
I captured through my lens?
Hell yeah! So this blog is not only about Yoga... Uhn Uhn!
My Vikasa experience was the kick in the butt to start this!
Soon after I began writing, I felt so content to share all my findings on
all kind of subject regarding health, well-being, self empowerment, personal growth... and I received so much
positive feedback, that I simply had to continue! Plus my peeps back home need
their dose of Aline’s bla bla bla while I’m away! Ha!ha!
Ally the Yogi… Ooommm what’s the next step?

Fabulous! Simply fabulous!
So my next chapter; Discovering the healing powers of Thai
While doing the teacher training and a my body aching every day, I simply had to pamper it so
it won’t quit on me! So I took advantage of the massages here in Thailand. At
the condo complex, we had a small spa called Fabulous, were
the owner Lang spoiled all wounded yogi who entered! Got the taste of this goodness every
time I got a massage!
So after 3hrs of daily yoga, booking a session with Lang…. was
simply Fabulous! It made a world of difference let me tell you! Yoga &
Thai massage = prefect marriage! It was just a matter of time before I started asking all
sort of questions about Thai Massage’s benefits and wanted to know more...
Attention! Attention! Special announcement!
Ladies &
gentlement this train is heading to Chiang Mai – Thai Massage School is the
next stop!
All aboard!